Industry News
With 60 years experience supporting the ICT industry, Ireland today is a development centre of excellence for data hosting. Our partners are an integral part of the data centre ecosystem, working across various sectors designing, building and operating data centres globally from Ireland. Here we aim to gather the most timely and relevant industry news including our Irish market update report.

Host In Ireland is an award-winning strategic global initiative created to increase awareness of the benefits of
hosting digital assets in Ireland as well as highlighting Irish companies that are designing, building, and operating data
centres globally.
Ireland is home to Europe's largest data centre cluster, ahead of the traditional markets of London, Frankfurt, Paris and Amsterdam. As a result, the industry has grown in expertise and reputation and Ireland is a recognised global leader in data hosting and services.
Host in Ireland is dedicated to providing timely and accurate information on the hosting industry in Ireland. We issue quarterly market updates, participate in global industry events and create unique networking opportunities for industry players.
Host in Ireland
Host in Ireland is an industry-led initiative specifically developed to generate awareness and recognition of Ireland’s benefits as an optimum location to host digital assets. By providing timely and accurate information regarding Ireland’s hosting landscape with the help of partner companies, Host in Ireland is redefining industry perceptions. Using a blend of the 6Ps - Policy, Pedigree, People, Proximity, Power and Pipes- Host in Ireland is demonstrating and showcasing Ireland’s cost-effective, efficient, reliable, secure and accessible infrastructure as compared to other data centre markets throughout Europe.
Host in Ireland Partners
The spirit of “co-opetition” is at the heart of Host in Ireland. Although many of our partners are competitors, they have come together in creative collaboration to provide the expertise and infrastructure enabling Ireland’s thriving digital economy. Our Irish partners are seen as industry leaders, exporting products and services all over the world.

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By signing up to our mailing list you will get access to our most recent market report. This report will show you the most up to date and accurate information on the Irish data hosting market. Our report includes the latest Dashboard with the Dublin Metro Market Map and figures. You will also receive future market report updates.