DCs for Bees
'Buffet for Bees'
Bulbs in the Community
Buffet for Bees is part of the DCs for Bees initiative.
Following on from the huge success of our Orchards in the Community Programme, our DCs for Bees Ambassadors have come up with an amazing initiative that we are so excited to get behind: Buffet for Bees - Bulbs in the Community.
The goal is simple but challenging - Plant 1 million early flowering bulbs across Ireland that will provide a much needed food source for our bees and pollinators.
'We want to better coexist with biodiversity and help return food and shelter for pollinators to our island.'
All Ireland Pollinator Plan 2021-2025
Why Bulbs Matter
Bulbs play a critical role in supporting our declining pollinator populations.
As they bloom early in the spring, they provide a vital source of nectar and pollen for bees and other pollinators emerging from hibernation. They are:
Hardy and adaptable
Thriving in various garden settings.
Perfect for rock gardens, borders, meadows, or orchards.
Early food source
Preventing grass cutting and providing essential nourishment.
Our Aim
Encourage Biodiversity
Orchards are important habitats. This is because they make ideal homes for thousands of species of flora and fauna, including lichens, fungi and beetles.
Protect & Feed Pollinators
Fruit trees blossom early in the year, providing an important food source for our pollinators at the end of winter.
The deliberate spacing between trees also lets more sunlight in, which is welcome for flying insects, like butterflies and bees, who need warmth to power their flight muscles.
Community Awareness & Action
We will provide a means for organisation & community purpose based activity which will foster an appreciation of, and awareness for, protecting and encouraging biodiverse habitats in our local areas.
Our Bulb Pack
Each pack comes with 250 bulbs
(163 mixed crocuses and 83 muscari - grape hyacinth - free from Neonicotinoids) nestled in a tray, along with a 1L pack of compost and handy planting instructions.
Proud to be part of the 1 Million Bulbs pledge
Thanks to the generous support of our industry partner companies, we've already reached a quarter of our ambitious goal of planting 1 million bulbs!
If your company is interested in contributing to this vital cause and helping to protect our pollinators, please get in touch. Together, we can create a brighter future for bees, butterflies, and other essential pollinators